Discover a unique and attractive tourist locations for you and your family!


Discover a unique and attractive tourist locations for you and your family!

0 4 Deserts with the Weirdest Panoramic View in the World!

It is not always arid atmosphere can a traveler sees when traveling to a desert. Some areas in this world has a desert with a strange sight. Want to know what? See the surface of the wavy yellow sand blowing in the wind, may have often. But what if the desert is in the snow, have seven colors, or composed of salt? This is just incredible. According...
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0 Tsingy, The World's Widest Stone Forest!

Forest with lush green trees may have sound normal to you. But in the western part of Madagascar, there are forests with towering rocks like a tree. In fact, this stone forest so that the widest in the world. Imagine you were around sharp rocks sticking up as high as almost 70 feet into the air. When viewed from above, it looks like...
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0 The Boot Hotel, Feel the Sensation of Stay in the Boots!

All traveler would want comfort while staying overnight in a hotel. But at The Boot, a hotel in New Zealand, instead of rooms, you even invited to sleep in the boot. Relax, this is not a real boots. The Boot is a hotel that offers you to stay in the room in the form of boots, as TravelOc see from the official website. Its location...
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0 Hans Brinker Budget Hotel, The Worst Hotel in the World!

A hotel in Amsterdam, Netherlands, even proud to have many quirky rules. One of them is to have guests use curtains as a towel! Not only that, the worst hotel in the world still have a lot of other crazy rules. Vacation in Amsterdam, Netherlands, you should carefully choose the inn, especially Hans Brinker Budget Hotel. Cheap hotels...
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0 5 Hotel Rooms with the Most Unusual Sights in the World!

Hotels getting creative to find ways to attract the tourists. The view from the room window which is unusual even recognized as a powerful magnet arrival of the guests. Here are 5 hotels with the weirdest sights in the world. Imagine you wake up and see the stingrays were swimming outside the window of your room, or even see the legs...
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